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Weaverham Forest Primary School and Nursery



By promoting an enquiry-based approach to learning, science at Weaverham Forest Primary School allows our children the chance to question and consider, and debate and discover what is occurring to themselves and the wider world now, and be able to predict how things might behave in the future.

We believe science education provides the foundations for understanding the world as well as how this subject has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity.


We take great pride in the fact our Science curriculum has been written by our staff, encompassing our school values to benefit our children. Statutory National Curriculum objectives are covered through learning experiences and opportunities that are relevant to our local area first and foremost, with studies going fiurthetr afirld and challenging perspectives where necessary.

Each year group studies an area of science (living things and their properties, changing materials, etc.)  across a 6-week block. Every individual sessions starts with a time fo relection and review of prior learning via the EXPLORIFY interactive resource. We use a BIG QUESTION to challenge the thinking of pupils and encourage them to test, research or simply obsevre to formulate their answers to these. An EXIT PASS allows learning from this session to be applied to reinforce understanding.

Please see file attached for an overview of learning units and where these sit in the school's Long Ter,m Plan for Science.

Also attached is an example unit plan for a half term of work.

Assessments take place through formative questioning during lessons and summative half-termly END POINTS identifying pupils working above, in line with and below age related expectations at the end of each project or unit of work. This will be through a coverage approach and is completed via the Insight Pupil Tracking Program online. All year group national curriculum statements are listed and each child in a class will receive an attainment mark for each area of learning. Results are monitored termly to ensure both sufficient coverage percentage of pupils on track or above. Monitoring through book looks and pupil voice at regular intervals throughout the year will ensure progress and attainment are at expected standards.

The school have also purchased and use as a reference document standardised working files across year groups to demonstrate what an ARE, B-ARE and GD child should look like in the subject from www.planassessment.co.uk 

Science week is embraced and celebrated annually and the children are made aware of scientific events in the news and media through regular assemblies and links to lessons.

Each classroom has a display to showcase their work that changes with each learning unit, and all pupils have a Science exercise book where all learning is documented.


Children develop inquisitive minds that allow them to question and consider what is occurring to themselves and the wider world at the moment through scientific principles.

They make connections that enables them to predict how things might behave in the future, and this ensures a keen interest and enthusiasm for the subject throughout their time in school. 

What to expect from our learning:

  • Weekly science session taught from National Curriculum linked to planning documents and opportunities created by staff at our school.
  • Science exercise books in all year groups for each child (Y1 - Y6)  to document and evidence their learning.
  • Each classroom has a science display board featuring key words and learning from a current / most recent unit of work.
  • A science task to be completed and added to Best Books for each unit of work.
  • Science Week celebrated annually across the whole school (featuring visits / guests speakers where possible).
  • Children across school are aware of scientists and their respective fields and how these have made an impact on our lives.
  • Science and Technology visits as part of class visits to begin / celenrate learning projects.
  • UKS2 attend ’Big Bang North West’ event annually to experience STEM in a hands-on way provided by companies and charities

Science Long Term Plan 2023.24.pdf

Living Things and Their Habitats.pdf